Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How To Market Any Product Or Service Online

I know that you may have been struggling for months if not years trying to make some descent money online selling affiliate products or maybe you have a service or product of your own. What every the case if you are not marketing the right way you may be wasting your time.

When I say the right way I'm talking about selling yourself. Your product is only a reflection of you. You have to bring the benefits and your enthusiasm to your target market.

If you make your pitch about the product and not your concern about the wants and needs of your client you would have already failed. I want you to understand that people do not like to be sold.

5 Tips To Marketing Any Product Or Service Online

  1. Sell benefits. People only want to know how you can help them.
  2. Give away free informative information in exchange for name and email address. (The money is in the list.)
  3. Show your targeted audience where they can get what they want. (Call to action in your copy.)
  4. Place ads on websites that use the same keywords. (Give people what they are searching for.)
  5. Use your keywords in your headlines and make sure your content delivers.
When you make your marketing material informative, interactive , inspiring with benefits your audience will be inclined to act. It is your job to capture names and email addresses to follow up because as you should know make contact at least 7 to 10 times to build loyalty and make a sale.

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